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Featured Chet Krause Legacy Park

The Dedication of the Chester L. Krause Legacy Park happened on Oct 13th 2023.

IHS Museum

Visit the Iola Historical Society Museum, near downtown Iola!

Northern Depot

Built in 1894, the depot served the community for 64 years, until the rail line was discontinued on Memorial Day, May 30, 1958

One-room Schoolhouse

The Townsend School in northeastern Farmington Township was built and opened for the 1897-98 school year to serve the students of Joint District #1, serving the district for 59 years, through the 1955-56 school year.

1901 Firehouse

On Memorial Day, May 28, 2007, the IHS dedicated an authentically constructed replication of the historic brick firehouse structure that served the community from 1901 to 1986.

Log Cabin

This small pioneer style log cabin for many years stood in the Town of Harrison, situated along the Little Wolf River on property near…

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