Meeting Minutes 01-31-2022

Iola Historical Society

Board Meeting Minutes, January 31, 2022

Board members Cliff, Lee, Tom, Sarah and John present. Cliff called the meeting to order at 5:36pm.

The meeting minutes from October 2021 were reviewed.

Tom motioned to approve the Secretary report for October 2021, Sarah second … motion passed

Tom gave the Treasurer’s report. The report is through December 2021. Taxes are ready to be filed. Eric Danielson will be handling it. Need volunteer hours and activity reports for 2021 from John. Good endowment growth. No activities in 2020 did hurt cash flow. Lifetime memberships and donations were gained through

solicitations by Cliff. Need internal audit of accounts for the last three years.

Lee made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s report, Sarah second … motion passed.


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Board meeting adjourned 6:24 pm.

Membership Meeting Minutes, January 31, 2022

Cliff opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:31pm. Ten people were present.

Will plan for three events this year … Memorial Day event, May 30 … Strawberry Fest, June 26 … TON,

Oct. 1.

For Memorial Day event, will consider pig roast by Bill Opperman. Review at February meeting.

There are still two or three openings for business sponsors on our Business Page.

Will finalize our ‘adopt a building’ policy in February.

John has volunteered to ‘adopt’ the Town Hall.

Photos have been taken of Mackenzie and Payton, our two junior members, for our half-page ad in this year’s school yearbook. A couple other photos will be added too. Will promote our junior membership.

Lee’s phone number will be included.

Payton and Mackenzie have volunteered to trim, plant and mow the grounds this summer. Lee will get the mower ready. Will check on getting them the necessary keys. Sarah suggests using deer-resistant


Will check into a possible Saturday event with Jessica Michna. She is a historical reenactor who has put on programs for us covering Eleanor Roosevelt and Mrs. Charles Dickens. Very interesting. One

possible idea is portraying Laura Ingalls Wilder by our log cabin this summer.

Tried to install internet booster for signal to reach the Machine Shed, but still needs work.

Our laptop is having problems too, so Donovan Brooke will check it out.

Jerry Johnson will be giving a presentation on swing machines for us in February.

Sarah & Erik are working with Harold “Lefty” Klumpner on a presentation for us about Ogdensburg in


Will assist Jerry Johnson for his presentation on sewing machines at our February meeting. Tom has a

civil war era sewing machine we could use as part of the discussion.

Working on an idea for an ‘artifact of the month’ feature that invites people to comment on what they

know about our artifacts on display around our facilities. May put in the Window publication too.

Considering short videos of area government officials with interviews around their time in public service.

May run in Town Hall during our events and on Saturdays.

Sue Halverson motioned to accept the previous meeting minutes, Donna Hooker second, passed

Tom gave the financial report.

Sarah motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report, Sue second … motion approved.


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Meeting adjourned 6:55pm

7:20pm end.

Iola Historical Society

Asked for a volunteer to audit our financial records for the past three year. Having none, motion to accept records, as they are, Mackenzie Woyak, Sarah second, motion passed. Tom has been doing a great job as Treasurer since 2008. (Note after meeting: For Tom’s peace of mind, John plans to conduct a brief audit of

records before filing.)

Discussed plans for our three events this year.

Mackenzie & Payton maintaining our grounds this summer. Will present plans at one of our monthly


Half-page ad in yearbook

The evening program was Lee discussing our membership in the Wisconsin Historical Society. As a member, we get a copy of their publication called Columns. Lee had a brochure on the 12 sites around the state that the Wis. H.S. supports, most of them in the southern half of our state. He also had individual membership forms available for anyone who was interested. Annual dues are $55 and include admission to the 12 sites, with up to two guests getting in free too. Lee then connected to their website and showed 8 short videos featuring some

of the sites around the state.